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Educational Grants

The Work Force Investment Act is available for those individuals who have been laid-off (through no fault of their own), long-term unemployed while activity seeking employment or living below the poverty guidelines as set forth by the State of California.  The goal of WIOA is to provide participants with the opportunity to be trained in a marketable skills allowing them to return to the workforce and earn a stable income. 

What are the benefits of WIOA?

WIA will pay for all necessary training materials, travel, meal allowance, child care allowance, and job placement assistance (per county basis). *Eligibility Requirements Apply".

Will I lose my Unemployment insurance Benefits?

Throughout WIA training, you are allowed to continue your unemployment benefits for which you are eligible prior to training.  You are not required to actively seek employment while in training.

To get more details about WIA or to find out the nearest WIA center, please contact us at 510-770-6748.

Amfasoft IT Training Institute is approved from EDD, NOVA, WIOA, SVWIN and BPPE.

Find out more about Amfasoft’s education offerings